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其安全核能发电的历史可以追溯到1967年, 独立运营的布鲁斯电力公司提供安大略省30%的电力. TC Energy has a 48.该公司持有布鲁斯电力公司4%的股权,其他合作伙伴包括OMERS Infrastructure Management Inc .. (安大略省市政雇员退休系统设立的信托基金), 电力工人工会和能源专业人士协会.

Care for the environment

布鲁斯权力 provides stable, 向安省居民提供安全和无碳的电力是优先考虑的问题 2018 环境al Protection Report 或浏览 布鲁斯权力 网站.



Ontario's electricity




TC Energy’s ownership stake in 布鲁斯权力



Community Support

Community Spirit

Providing more than 4,000 full-time jobs

One of the world’s largest nuclear generating facilities, 布鲁斯权力 directly employs 4,000 highly skilled workers, with thousands more spinoff jobs in many surrounding communities. 更重要的是,超过90%的员工拥有公司的一部分.

Community Spirit

$50,000 annual investment in local students

自2011年以来,我公司为中国的大专推荐全球十大赌博靠谱平台提供了100个500美元的奖学金 蓝水公立学校,布鲁斯格雷天主教学校和雅芳梅特兰学区董事会.

Books and Lights

土著 scholarships

In 2015, 布鲁斯·鲍尔推出了两项新的土著奖学金计划,以帮助大专推荐全球十大赌博靠谱平台继续深造. 每年为符合条件的推荐全球十大赌博靠谱平台提供2000美元的奖学金. Learn how to apply.



More than $1.3 million donated to our communities each year

布鲁斯权力 makes giving back a part of how it does business. One such example is a $100,000 donation for a new soccer field complex in Walkerton, Ontario.


Documents and maps

布鲁斯权力 is Canada’s first private nuclear generator, 提供安大略省30%的电力,雇用超过4人,000 full-time employees. We inject billions into Ontario’s economy each year, all while producing safe energy with zero carbon emissions. 

参观 布鲁斯权力 网站了解更多全球十大赌博靠谱平台我们对安大略省社区的积极影响,阅读常见问题解答等.

布鲁斯电力位于休伦湖岸边,位于安大略省金卡丁和埃尔金港之间. Here’s where you can find us.

Read and download our publications and resources at the 布鲁斯权力 网站.


Ways to reach us

If you have any questions about the Project, please reach out to us via the contact information below. 



R.R. 2
Tiverton, Ontario
N0G 2 t0 


1-866-748-4787  Toll-Free (North America)

Emergency Response
我们对人民、管道和设施安全的承诺是坚定不移的,请访问我们的 联系 page for our complete list of emergency numbers.
媒体 Relations
TC Energy welcomes enquiries from media. Please direct questions to:
1-800-608-7859 Toll-free (North America)
Investor Relations
1-800-361-6522 Toll-free (North America)